• Question: Does your job include mathematics , if it does,what kind of maths does you job include ?

    Asked by karolina456 to Katie on 16 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Katie Sparks

      Katie Sparks answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      My job does include maths (which I wasn’t always very good at, but I’m good enough to get by). I create what we call a “mathematical model” on a computer and then the computer “solves” the many simulateous equations we’ve given it.
      Most of the maths I use is multiplication, division, additional and subtraction – to make equations (but remember, the computer solves them). The hard part is coming up with what suitable equations.
      In my computer model, we usually have around 10000 equations – which is why the computer solves it. But it’s not as hard as it sounds – a lot of the equations are the same thing, only instead of being x=3y it might be a=3b.
      Sometimes I use more complicated maths, like trigonometry and vectors, but if I need to I can look online and get a book out to work out what I want to do with those.
