• Question: What do you wish to achieve In the future?

    Asked by Hagrid to Camilla, Dan, Katie, Mike, Rhys on 17 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by Dylan loves little mix ja.
    • Photo: Katie Sparks

      Katie Sparks answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      Great question! I don’t know when. Before I got my job, my goal was to be a spacecraft engineer. Then I was to get something in space. I want to get my first science mission in space – and one of the projects I’m working on now is going to launch by the end of the year.
      My goals keep changing, but I think that is because I have been really lucky with the different projects I have worked on.

    • Photo: Camilla Weiss

      Camilla Weiss answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      I want to learn as much as I can about what I’m doing in my current job. My immediate goal is to get more coding experience. The good thing about my job is that you can move around the different departments quite easily so I’d like to maybe try a couple of other disciplines at some point – I want to learn more about how we build our optics and also so a bit of systems engineering. The systems engineer is responsible for the technical delivery of a whole mission – so they are the ones who plan the orbits, plan what the payload needs to do and it’s a really good way of looking at the spacecraft as a whole rather than focussing on one more detailed aspect. At SSTL we build smaller, lower cost satellites which are really cool but I’d also love to try working on a massive science project one day. I’d also really like to move to a different country at some point as well – maybe Germany or France so I can improve my language skills. Maybe I can combine the two!
