• Question: Would you ever quit this job?

    Asked by Aisha786 to Camilla, Dan, Katie, Mike, Rhys on 16 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by karolina456.
    • Photo: Camilla Weiss

      Camilla Weiss answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      I don’t think I’d just quit this job because I didn’t want to do it anymore – If I ever leave my job it will probably be to try a different area of engineering. There are just so many interesting things out there – sometimes wish I could try a different job every year!

    • Photo: Katie Sparks

      Katie Sparks answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      I don’t think I’ll stop being a spacecraft engineer, but maybe I’ll be doing something other than thermal, or perhaps I would be working on the telescopes instead of the full structures. There are so many options and it’s hard to pick one!
      The best bit is: there is no wrong choice 🙂
